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Welcome to the Daesan Foundation homepage.
More than ever, the world is much more connected, thanks to the remarkable advancements in information technology. We can now communicate our thoughts in real time, thus going beyond seeing, hearing, and feeling the same things around the world. And culture is at the center of it all.
Conversely, the development and globalization of technology have increased the importance of culture. However, information technology and life in the global age can take the next step only when the humanist imagination is central to our value systems. Although it is hardly a new idea, culture is the touchstone by which the competitiveness of national economies is measured.
In an age where technology and culture are interwoven, the Daesan Foundation offers diverse programs so that literature and the arts can play their pivotal roles.
Our globalization program for Korean literature serves as a bridge to connecting people around the world, and the promotion of creative literature enhances the value of Korean culture. For example, the Seoul International Literary Forum and the East Asian Literary Forum serve as stepping stones for Korean literature and culture to achieve an important role in the world. In addition, the scholarship and Fostering Leadership programs contribute to the nurturing of young leaders who can take an active part with a balanced perspective in this digital age. Moreover, the 100 Year Commemorative Literary Festivals, Campaign for Reading Books, Han River Literature Festival, and other events are part of our endeavor to interact and communicate with the public about Korean literature and arts.
The Daesan Foundation marks the 20th anniversary of its establishment, and in step with the fast changing times the Foundation aspires to foster more meaningful and versatile cultural programs. We look forward to sharing them with the public.
Thank you for your continued interest and support.